I am Jay Bhagiya pursuing final year B.Tech in Information and Communication Technology at PDEU , Gandhinagar. A curious mind, eager to acquire knowledge in domains such as Robotics , Artificial Intelligence and IoT. As a Team leader I learned how to working with people irrespective of their domain or expertise to accomplish a given task. Always exhilarated and eager to learn new emerging technologies to solve the real world problems.
B. Tech
(Information and Communication Technology)
Pandit Deendayal Energy University
[2018 - Present]
PDEUCo - President
Joined as a technical member to leading the club as a co-president, Now working as advisor.
Cretus - Robotics and automation club
[2019 - Present]
CretusOur theme was "Vargi-Bot", It is set in the abstraction of a warehouse management system designed in Gazebo, which is a 3D dynamic simulator used to efficiently simulate robots in complex environments.
Competition SolutionIt is a box that connects any AC powered devices to the internet, It means that you can operate that device from anywhere with help of internet.
Keywords(IoT, mqtt, relay, nodeMCU)
Github RepositoryIt is a disk scheduling algorithms from operating systems subject. GUI is build using python and shows visualization of algoritms like FCF, SSTF, SCAN etc..
Keywords(Tkinter, Turtle, Python, GUI)
Github RepositoryWorking on hardware side of the robot that can play chess againt human using imageprocessing.
Keywords(Opencv, Chess, Robotic arm, Dynamixel Ax-12A, Designing)
Github Repository1) Getting Started with Python
2) Python Data Structures
3) Using Python to Access Web Data
4) Using Databases with Python
5) Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python
1) Introduction to IoT
2) Arduino
3) Raspberry-Pi
1) Networks and Security
1) ROS (Robotic Operating System)
2) OOPs Concept
3) Gazebo Simulation
300hr Course on FreeCodeCamp
1) Introduction to Machine Learning
2) Supervised Learning
3) Unsupervised learning
4) Neural Network